Schedule of the ROADEF/EURO challenge 2010

July 2 2009 The challenge begins (qualification phase). The subject is provided. Registrations start.

July 7,8 2009 Subject presentation at EURO 2009, Bonn (Tuesday 07/07, 17h40 session TG-01 and closing session wednesday 08/07 16h15)

July 2009 First part of instance set A available.

September 2009 Second part of instance set A available. Solution and cost checker executable available.

November 1 20009 End of pre-registration. Each team sends a registration file and the participant list is published on the web site. Registration remains possible until the end of the qualification phase.

January 5 2010 Extended to January 11 2010 End of the qualification phase. Deadline for submitting a first version of the computer program, computational result tables and a short description of the proposed method (1 page), including the caracteristics of the computer used.

February 24-26 2010 Announcement of the results of the qualification phase. Presentation at ROADEF 2010, Toulouse. The data instance set B is provided. Beginning of the final phase.

June 5, 2010 Deadline for submitting the final program, computational result tables and an extended abstract of 5 pages describing the proposed method, including the characteristics of the computer used.

11-14 July 2010 Annoucement of the challenge results and ranking. Presentation of the finalists' works and prize awards at EURO 2010, Lisbon.