ROADEF'2005 : Final evaluation procedure, results and rankings

Evaluation method adopted by the Jury is as follows:

  • Only instance set X is taken into account: X (19 instances), we remind A (15 instances) and B (45 instances).
  • One reference machine Pentium IV, 1.6Ghz, 1Gbytes of RAM.
  • For each instance i (average over 5 runs) and each candidate j: Mark of the instance = 1000000*#obj1 + 1000*#obj2 + #obj3
  • Normalized mark for each instance i: (candidate_mark - worst_mark) / (best_mark - worst_mark)
  • Final mark of a candidate: Average over all the instances, same importance for each instance.

However marks are too tight among the best candidates, biased by the worsts.

  • Thus, an iterative procedure is proposed to eliminate the last candidate at each step of ranking till the last 3 candidates "musical chair game".
  • The jury would like to thank Axel BLOEMEN and Marc GRAVEL for the discussions and all their suggestions to improve the evaluation procedure.
  • Global ranking over all the candidates and extraction for the Junior category.

All categories of the qualified teams: The final results and rankings are given on the data instance set X (average over 5 runs for each data instance)

Results and rankings obtained on the data instance sets A and B with the final programs are also provided for indication (but only one run is performed for each data instance)

Ranking of all categories (18 teams of finalists), the 7 Junior teams and ranking are quoted.

  1. (also 1st Junior) Bertrand ESTELLON, Frédéric GARDI, Karim NOUIOUA
    Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille, Université; de Marseille, FRANCE.

  2. (also 2nd Junior) Daniel ALOISE (2) , Thiago NORONHA (2), Caroline ROCHA (1), Sebastián URRUTIA (2), Celso RIBEIRO (1,2)
    1. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Ciéncia da Computação, Niteroi, BRAZIL.
    2. Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL.
  3. Olivier BRIANT (1), Grégory MOUNIE (2), Denis NADDEF (2)
    1. Laboratoire MAB, Université Bordeaux 1, FRANCE.


    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Sarajevo, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA.

  7. Jean-François CORDEAU, Gilbert LAPORTE, Federico PASIN
    HEC Montréal, CANADA.

  8. (also 3rd Junior) Max RISLER, Luis PAQUETE, Tommaso SCHIAVINOTTO, Marco CHIARANDINI, Thomas STUETZLE
    Intellectics Group, Department of Computer Science, Darmstadt University of Technology, GERMANY.

  9. Dumitru CRACIUNAS (1), Michel GENDREAU (1,2) Jean-Yves POTVIN (2)
    1. Centre de Recherche sur les Transports, Montréal, CANADA.
    2. Département d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, CANADA.
  10. (also 4th Junior) Grzegorz PAWLAK, Maciej PLAZA, Przemyslaw PIECHOWIAK, Marek RUCINSKI  (G5)
    Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, POLAND.

  11. Caroline GAGNE' (1), Marc GRAVEL (1), Christophe JAILLET (2), Michael KRAJECKI (2), Wilson L. PRICE (3)
    1. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, CANADA.
    2. LERI, Université de Reims, FRANCE.
    3. Faculté des Sciences de l'Administration, Université Laval, Québec, CANADA.
  12. Thierry BENOIST
    e-lab., Bouygues, FRANCE.

  13. Andrzej JASZKIEWICZ, Pawel KOMINEK, Marek KUBIAK
    Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, POLAND.

  14. Roberto MONTEMANNI
    Instituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA), SWITZERLAND.
  15. (also 5th Junior) Devis Giacomo BONIZZONI, Andrea PINCIROLI
    University of Milano, ITALY.

  16. Yves CASEAU
    Membre honoraire de e-Lab Bouygues, FRANCE.

  17. (also 6th Junior) Nicolas ZUFFEREY (1), Martin STUDER (2)
    1. University of Calgary, CANADA.
  18. (also 7th Junior) Bin HU, Gunnar W. KLAU
    Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology, AUSTRIA.