
PhD position on Optimization of integrated scheduling and vehicle routing problems (LIFAT, Tours)

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 06/03/2024 par Marina VINOT (811 vues)

Le 06/03/2024 par Marina VINOT :

Optimization of integrated scheduling and vehicle routing problems (LIFAT, Tours) 

Key words: Optimization, Mathematical modelling, Scheduling, Vehicle routing

Duration: 36 months 
Start date: September/October 2024



  M. Vinot –
  A. Soukhal -
  Y. Kergosien –

University of TOURS – Doctoral school MIPTIS – Computer Science
Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Computer Science of Tours (LIFAT)
Research team Operations Research, Scheduling and Transportation (ROOT)


This thesis will focus on the study and resolution of integrated problems that combine scheduling and transportation/logistics issues [1][2][3]. These problems will be addressed by adopting a bi-level approach, focusing on production issues followed by delivery. It is common for production and transportation aspects to be handled by separate entities, although there are strong constraints between the two levels. In addition to this novel approach, exploring the coexistence of various transportation modes (free tours, scheduled shuttles, etc.) with specific resource constraints will be considered, emphasizing the need for effective coordination between scheduling and transportation decision-making.

Decision support tools will be proposed using exact and/or approximate methods to efficiently solve these problems. Complexity studies for simpler specific cases of the problem may also be considered. More "generic" approaches, capable of grouping multiple problems under a unified model, will be explored as well. These problems arise from real-world applications in various fields, and the thesis may draw on issues from the health domain [4] or other industrial applications.

The research work will be structured and involve conducting a state-of-the-art review, one or more modelling, developing resolution algorithms with advanced operations research techniques or hybridized with algorithms from machine learning methods, and numerous experiments on literature benchmarks as well as newly generated instances. The outcomes will be disseminated through presentations at conferences and publications in scientific journals.

Candidate Profile and Application:

Prospective candidates should:

  • Hold a master's degree or an engineering school diploma in computer science or applied mathematics.
  • Possess strong knowledge in algorithmics and programming (C, C++, Python, or Java).
  • Have a solid understanding of Operations Research: mathematical modelling, exact or approximate methods. Knowledge or experience in solving routing and/or scheduling problems would be advantageous.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the English language.

To apply, candidates must submit their application on the ADUM website (, dedicated to doctoral procedures, and send their application file via email to the three supervisors.

Required documents include:

  • A detailed CV
  • Academic transcripts for L3, M1, and M2 (or engineering cycle)
  • A letter of motivation
  • References and/or a letter of recommendation


[1] Berghman, L., Kergosien, Y., & Billaut, J. C. (2023). A review on integrated scheduling and outbound vehicle routing problems. European Journal of Operational Research.

[2] Lacomme, P., Moukrim, A., Quilliot, A., & Vinot, M. (2018) Supply chain optimisation with both production and transportation integration: multiple vehicles for a single perishable product, International Journal of Production Research, 56:12, 4313-4336.

[3] Haned, A., Soukhal, A., Boudhar, M., Huynh Tuong, N. (2012) Scheduling on parallel machines with preemption and transportation delays, Computers & Operations Research, 39 :2, 374-381.

[4] Robbes, A., Kergosien, Y., André, V., & Billaut, J. C. (2021). Efficient heuristics to minimize the total tardiness of chemotherapy drug production and delivery. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 1-36.

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