Scientific Prize Rules

The scientific prize is open to any team that have been registered phase of the ROADEF/EURO Challenge 2022.

The committee is chaired by Michele Monaci. Manuel Iori will take part of the jury.

The method must be described in a paper (about 8-12 pages), which should contain all the elements necessary to assess the quality and the originality of the proposed method.

The deadline for submitting the paper is November 1st, 2023. The submission (a single pdf file) must be sent to

The main criteria that will be used for evaluating the proposed methods are the following :

  • originality of the proposed method,
  • proof (theoretically and/or experimentally on the provided datasets) of the quality of the produced results (lower bounds and/or upper bounds or their gaps with respect to the best known results),
  • interesting features, such as but not limited to, new and/or good dual bounds,
  • decomposition methods developed in order to solve subproblems to optimality or to a very good lower bound.

The weight on the criteria will be refined by the committee.

The winner of the scientific prize will be revealed at the conference ROADEF 2024 in France. Possibly, a dedicated session will be proposed at EURO 2024 in Copenhagen.